Join master Argentine tango teacher Pablo Pugliese, presentation and career coach Nancy Ancowitz, author and leadership expert Michele Wucker, and special guests for the New York City launch of this two-hour workshop teaching leadership and teamwork lessons drawn from the Argentine tango, followed by a brief informal tango performance and refreshments and snacks.
No dance experience or partner is required. Tango for Leaders is designed to benefit participants with varying levels of dance training, from zero to advanced.

Tango for Leaders helps participants to develop:

  • Leadership skills and strategies
  • Team dynamics
  • Self-confidence 
  • Communication skills
  • Negotiation skills
  • Adaptability

This event is part of the Womensphere Summer Festival.
The workshop begins at 4 pm. Please aim to arrive at 3:45 pm so that we can start promptly.
All genders are welcome. Tango for Leaders is consistent with the best tango studios, where beginning students learn both leader and follower roles, regardless of gender.
Attire is as you wish, but be sure to bring comfortable, clean, smooth-soled shoes (no tennis shoes or rubber grips, please).

Other questions? Learn more on our FAQ page.